the stupid things i did today
1. unknowingly cancled my tuition
2. took a cab home because i thought i still had tuition
3. paid 4 plus just to get myself home
4. rushed my lunch
5. sat like a moron waiting for tutor to come.
and its learning festival tomorrow.
what a bother.
@ 6:45 PM
SYF auditions today and i have to say my group was awesome(:
no one was taken out!stood in between jialing and zhongjie and it was pretty fun mainly because we were all in mixed sections.heh.
(: but sadly now there are only 6 sop 2s left. well actually there was only 8 to begin with because people quit, and all the sec ones weren't allowed to participate.
so we must persevere okay!(: let the choir know that even with six people, we can do it!(:
and juniper is really really really good. she was in my group! teehee(:
tomorrow is finally friday!
@ 9:37 PM
going for crez awards! hee hee. (:
@ 10:00 PM
i'm seeing grey lines now for staring so hard at the computer screen. pfft.
choir prac today was better. much much better mainly becuase the sec ones and other new members weren't around. i guess we just need time to adjust to their presence but whatever. not like they were contributing a lot or anything. so mr tan got them to handle the choir board. (celine tay your job!(: ) aside from that, it was really nice to see the crescent choir i knew again. from xiamen to musical evening to feb 6th concert. All the spirit was there. at least i thought i saw it there(: i know i'll miss it. pfft. which is why i don't want SYF to come.
and if mr tay ever tries to be a pregnant woman while conducting again, i don't think i'll be able to sing since i'll be laughing far too hard.
lacrymarum valle = naso lacrymal duct!!
because in latin it means valley of tears.
okay. heh.
@ 9:00 PM
stayed over at khooble's house on friday and it was awesome! Took the train there though and it was becuase of TPY. tsk. hahah. but it was really funny because we started ignoring jane at jurong east station and she walked away and got someone's full blown fart! haha. and then TPY stuffed her bubble tea packet into jane's bag making her look like a 100percent AUNTIE!(:
anyway. we didn't do a single thing we planned to at eunice's house. watched movies the whole time. rented love wrecked which wasn't as nice as it was supposed to be. ): and then eunice put on someone like you, while christine and i played cheat on neopets. heh. then started watching hana kimi mtvs with jane. followed by SEDUCING MR PERFECT!!! but by then it was like 1 plus in the morning and khooble's second brother was back so had to go into her room to watch it. and then at 3 plus when we all decided that it was time to fall asleep since we were half dead, her other brother came back! and i was hugging the sheep on the bed, and since i didn't know who it belonged to, i didn't want to be caught dead hugging someone else's sheep. hahaha. so i tossed it away really really fast.(:
i love sleep overs! even though i had a splitting headache from it the next day, and eunice and jane had bad colds.(:
did i mention the red and blue clappers? jane my red clapper is better than yours by a mile(:
@ 9:18 PM
i can't go watch si jing and joyenne in the hockey match finals tomorrow! what a bother.
anyway i could do my inclined pull ups again. and for once we didn't run 2.4km. thank god! would have died. was sweating like shit by the end of PE anyway so actually it made no difference(: and i can't believe the school installed seesaws outside the book shop. i mean: huh. do they think we're still living in our primary schools? so irrelevant! haha. i do believe sec fours have better things to do than play on the seesaws. though they do look quite fun. Someone, think it was debbie, was saying that the seesaws were actually humongous rulers because they had all these little markings at the side. (:
quite looking forward to choir tomorrow. want to see the juniors get a good scolding! i mean it sounds sadistic but they kinda do deserve it, for the bad attitude and all. oh dear. don't hate me! anyway it isn't me thats going to be scolding. heh. i'll just give moral support.
plus going to ask bernette to message me during the game as often as possible!! really hope we win this time(:
crossing my fingers and toes!
@ 9:05 PM
i have stopped studying for the night! realised that i was going no where with my english composition since i barely even understood what the question wanted in the first place. so i have decided to tackle it tomorrow, when i'm more awake.
anyway there is choir tomorrow! i seriously, suspect that i lost my --- . and the problem is that it isn't mine! oh dear.
stoning now.
@ 10:24 PM
i just realised what homework i have. and i don't think that thats all. i'm sure there is still a maths and e maths and social studies. i just can't find it on mlg yet. AHH!!!
this is so infuriating!):
@ 11:45 PM
yesterday's choir session was dreadful, and i think i was pmsing a little, brought on by everyone's lack of cooperation!!!
was supposed to do ave regina and teach the newbies, but everytime i wanted them to do anything, it would take at least a minute for them to settle down, and for them to actually pay attention to which ever bar i wanted them to start from. i know i'm complaining but you should focus a little bit more than that right.
another thing is that no one responds. you ask them a question, they stay mute. they don't even shake their heads or nod or anything! i miss my section loads. and i reckon i need jocelyn to deal with hers. now i know what all the other section leaders past and present have been going through, and i know its really no joke. ):
@ 6:53 PM

section photo!!!!(: but its not the whole section): tsk. Its just Rebecca, celine, me, eunice, zhong jie, kai qi and marie(:

photo with airika khoobles marion and becca(:

i know(: it's our backsides. but still. hahaha. it was the period of time where we had to wait for our turn to go on stage. can still remember the cheese and mushroom sandwich machine behind us.

full choir photo!

another full choir photo, but i can swear that they aren't the same!(:
missing febuary 6th concert!(:
gold for syf!
@ 6:54 PM

look its mr poon!!!!(:
and whoops. Tania got cut out. hahaha...
@ 6:46 PM
Sitting in front of the computer and just stoning right now. But its only because i'm supposed to be doing lit notes, but i've lost all interest in JLC for the night.
Going home today was really funny.
took the train back with jasmine, eunice and gloria, but walked to the station with jane and chantel too.
and the whole way, chantel was spouting nonsense.
hahaha. really really funny nonsense.
she claimed that she livd in china for 10 years before going to america, and then to korea and japan. and then everyone now and then, or rather the whole way, she would speak with either an accent, or in some jumbled up foreign word.
unfortunately the only korean words she knew were hello and something else. so bascially the whole conversation was just full of hellos. (:
tsk tsk tsk.
but the even funnier part was eunice thought she was for real for a split second before i asked her whether she really believed San Tiao. Oh well. hahah.(:
oh and celine tay spoilt the hana kimi ending for me.
i can't believe her.
she just went right out and spewed the ending even after i had been trying to stop myself from listening to the spoilers coming from kalyn and jane!!!!!
but its okay.
i forgive you celine tay. (:
because the ending is super sucky and i know i would have sat there in shock if it was the first time i was hearing about it.
so i might as well have heard it earlier in order to allow myself to have preparation.
its a dreadful ending.
i want to complain to claire!!!!!! ):
i think my holidays are flooded.
i really wouldn't call it a holiday.
@ 10:00 PM
had the choir exchange today and it was alright i guess.
met eunice at redhill mrt station and was late by a couple of minutes. then did warm ups, and the funny thing was we finished so early that we decided to play tricks on the others in the choir. it just started when melissa wanted to lie down on the floor outside the choir room and then i mentioned she looked like she fainted. so ingeniously, eunice melissa and i decided to fool whoever came back from the toilet saying that she had fainted on the floor(: didn't manage to fool anyone successfully though, becuae everytime we rushed out, we just started laughing and falling about on the floor(: the good times!!!!!
took the bus to river valley and the LT is pretty big, but its also real bare...went on stage first, and it was scary!!!! my hands were real cold, and the bad point was that we couldn't even bring our jackets on stage. was watching out for jasmine's performance. haha. (: and much to my surprise, they actually perfomed jaackobin and sakura! both pieces of which we were actually supposed to do for syf! haha.
took the 97 to vivo after for lunch with eunice, and found a nice nice bag in pull and bear. okay. time to open ang pows today!!(:
@ 4:23 PM
@ 9:06 PM