part of the sop 2 section

anyone who wanted to take a picture(:

all the sop 2s that performed!!!(:
YAYmusical evening was such a success! i don't even know where to begin(:
going to the esplanade itself was just pure exhilaration. had to get onto the bus with a huge heap of purple gowns sticking out and my arm was sweating because all the plastic sheets were sticking to me. yuck. but still. that was minor compared to what was coming up(:
still thrilled by my pass(: and kaiqi's and charlene's names were printed wrongly, which was extremely funny because the mistakes were extremely stupid ones that no one should make.
had our make up done by mr poons girlfriend who is aspiring to be a makeup artist. she's not bad. THUMBS UP!
oh and for the critical moment... performance was great! and miss tham and mr tay were so proud of us they went out to buy chocolates for us even before the concert was over. it was so cool to walk out on to the stage in front of hundreds of people. all the levels were filled and i wanted to puke because i wans first to enter. but it wasn't so bad, and i saw mr loh sitting at the side! wasn't sure but becky confirmed my suspicions. anyway. tango was the best and it also got the most laughs. and i can't believe jane's dad fell asleep during the first song. haha! oh and all the problems with the 'f' sure didn't disappear. had no idea what note i was singing for a certain part in ave. but oh well. at least no one noticed, and it was a great performance. probably the best we've ever done. oh and my mum took photos illegally. hahaha.
anyway, fooled around in the dressing rooms till to the stars, and it was fun performing with the band as usual. and we had mikes so we could be heard. oh dear. i miss the whole thing. sort of. its like everything we've been striving for and its now all over. i feel deflated. like a balloon. ugh.
anyhow anywho, eunice and i got flowers after the performance. (: yup. thanks to
yi ning and jocelyn and bernette and tania. teehee. for lugging the flowers to the esplanade and then probably getting the confiscated at the entrance. i promise to preserve my flowers. and i'll store them in deep freeze once they have wilted. (: and a thumbs up to the whole choir and especially to my section(: we did a great job and you know it!!!! (:
@ 9:59 PM
musical evening is tomorrow!
it seems so soon, and yet its everything we've been working for for the past 2 weeks.
all the choir practices and hours in school.
combined practices and sectionals.
i know we are so determined not to let our efforts go down the drain.
hopefully we'll give a rousing performance that people will know how to appreciate.
sometimes its not just about loud things.
plus going to bring my camera tomorrow in order to shoot some pictures to put up on the choir blog. if i actually remember. (:
i can't wait to get to the esplanade. its going to be so exciting and i can't wait to see the backstage because apparently its like a maze.
friday's combined rehearsal was good. had two run throughs and both were quite smooth.
except for the very first time when the man from the esplanade scolded us because we were two minutes late. and he didn't even think that the reason we were two minutes late was because no one bothered to inform us that we were even supposed to be down there. anyway. second time round we got to watch the whole thing, and i guess i'm more used to entering first now, though it probably will be different tomorrow.
@ 7:16 PM
i worked again today, and ate lunch alone. i really dislike that. darn. its quite lonely, and it didn't get interesting until the rain came pouring down.
Choir again tomorrow. Absolutely poofed. i cannot wake up at 7. i shall throw away my alarm clock.
@ 8:41 PM
Uno just got shaved completely bald. so i put on his little bangkok hoodie for him. HAHA. i have a mean streak in me. i love to see him sedated like last year at the vet's even though i had to pay more than a hundred dollars for his injection. of course it was for an x-ray, but it was so cute how he was flopping all over the place like some drunk dog.
and i bought my fleece sweater from FOX! so now when i go Japan, i won't feel cold walking all the way to the train station.
anyway the whole high school musical thing is getting a little out of hand. eunice managed to find the book, but unfortunately the band is playing in a completely different key. as a result... she's got to rewrite the whole thing according to the flute's version of high school musical! Visited Christine in the bandroom and we had to figure out what to do in 15 minutes because otherwise we would be late. ugh. and the thought of our purple gowns just makes me want to puke.
9 days more to MUSICAL EVENING!
@ 10:38 PM
I GIVE UP!!!!!i have been searching and searching for the past one hour for the choir scores to "we're all in this together" and nothing has turned up. NOTHING. AT. ALL. And the one thing that did show free high school musical choir scores wouldn't even open, and it kept showing [the page can't be displayed] thing. Now i only have the lyrics, and i can't possibly be desperate enough to draw out bar lines and compose the music myself...
But technically, we didn't even have any idea that we were singing high school musical for Musical evening, and it sort of came as a surprise! WHEE(: but anyway everyone was super happy, and Miss Low praised us for to the stars. so all in all it was a very good day. Logistics rehearsal was funny because we had to do all these steps which we hadn't yet memorised, and the guy from the esplanade was watching with his hawk eyes. But at least eunice and i didn't break down during our one liner solo. OH YES WE DIDN'T!!!!!!!! it was ten times better as compared to the one we gave earlier which was all throaty and shaky. hahaha. (:
went to clementi after choir with Eunice and ate at pizza hut. and then we went to big book shop to buy an assessment book for my cousin, and relive our childhood memories. Spent like half an hour in the shop laughing rather loudly. and i swear they are prejudiced against students, because every other person in the shop except kids in their uniforms got to keep their bags!!! such injustice... i don't even look like a person who would shoplift. But anyway. Eunice even contemplated buying carbon paper to play with. haha. (: it was hilarious i swear.
Practice again tomorrow. Ave Regina and me.
@ 6:09 PM