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anyway that was a complainy kind of post. haha.
went back with eunice today cos there was no choir and met nandhini and darshana at the bus stop. oh man i think those two are so funny! and they really manage to make you high even unintentionally, so i was completely spouting nonsense while we were taking the bus home. and i was laughing pretty much non stop. yes. eunice kind of warned them before hand but i had already started laughing. for a reason i have no idea why!!!!!!(:
i think i'm a very laughy person. its quite hilarious.
and when theres no choir i think i manage to waste alot of my time. i did 9B while watching tv and then went to learn ionic equations which i'm still in a whirl about. its pretty bad. oh and cations suck.

aluminium-white precipitate,dissolves/white precipitate,won't dissolve
calcium-white precipitate, won't dissolve/no reaction
copper-blue precipiate,won't dissolve/blue precipitate, dissolves in excess to form dark blue solution
iron2-dirty green precipitate, turns brown in air, won't dissolve/dirty green precipitate, turns brown in air, won't dissolve
iron3- reddish brown precipitate, won't dissolve/reddish brown precipitate, won't dissolve
lead-white precipitate,dissolves/white precipitate, won't dissolve
zinc-white precipitate,dissolves/white precipitate,dissolves to form colourless solution
ammonia-produces ammonium gas,turns damp red litmus blue/no reaction

see the torture we have to go through. i think our seniors are so darn noble to have memorised all this dot dot dots. hahaha. ):

cry cry. going to have dinner now. eeeeeeek

@ 7:03 PM

yay! all the tests i've been worrying about have been postphoned.
well sort of.
except for the maths mock test tomorrow that practically no one knew about. so i'm really hoping its not going to be on.

oh and i never want to see another dratted reading port folio ever ever ever again!!!!!!

@ 6:57 PM

oh my gosh. arts awareness day was a really waste of time. ):
went to school at like 7am in the morning and ran to the millenium class room to find jane and me and eunice's stuff. headed back to AVT and tried to smooth the crease going down my skirt. sigh. didn't work. so there was this really obvious crease down the front. ugly. anyway. the hall performance was pretty fun. i mean there seriously were alot of parents and everything inside the hall and tabby was great on the piano as usual.
before going in the hall though, me eunice marion and airika were doing dance moves in the corridor. hehe. like those i learnt with claire in primary school!!! still remember mrs pauline and the exam based cha cha. that was really redundant. oh and charlene and i were exchanging hairbands and trying to prevent our hair from becoming too "peng!". tsk.
anyway after hall performance we went back to the avt to change and mr tay almost walked in on us changing. gross. hid in the back cupboard like last time and started banging around while taking off my yellow yellow yellow blouse.haha. then went down to the holding room and fooled around for an hour while waiting for our turn. had to do isometric exercises, which reminds me tooooo much of trigo. and DnT. no idea why. anyway chanter (chantay)is sing in french. sweet.(:

okay then everything after the performances just sucked. because it was so boring. found denise and wandered around with her for awhile, and then found li wen after her prize giving ceremony thing in the hall. and her parents were so darn kind because only prize winners and parents were allowed at the buffet in the canteen. so her parents took some for me and denise and passed it through the palmy plant things for us to eat! hahaha! so much for miss ang trying to prevent others from eating what they aren't allowed at. since its obvoius there are ways. hah. anyway, continued wandering around aimlessly.
claimed tablet, and realised jane's tablet was corrupted. ): went up to class and tried to do amaths without a calculator. whatever right. arts awareness was pretty lame. met up with michelle jane and gloria after their hip hop and went home early. i mean seriously. there was nothing to do and half the world had left already anyway...

going out for a toufu dinner later. oh man i just can't wait!!!!!1

@ 5:23 PM

a blue or maybe green fly was haunting our classroom today. seriously. it flew in during maths lesson and everyone started getting scared of it. haha. and farzannah and ashy screamed a few times too. and adilah had to move because it kept swooping so close to her. the the fly had like totally no control over where it was going because of the fans. so basically everyone was just screaming and laughing because miss ho was trying so hard to control us but without any luck. and i ran over to nabihah and jocelyn too because the fly tried to "kill" me. rarh. but it was a pretty fly for fly standards. bottle green. you could see its wings vibrating. i know i sould wierd(:

went to watch lakehouse at tiong after school with michelle eunice and jane. oh man the story was so darn sweet but it'll take awhile to catch what was going on. i mean one minute their waltzing in 2006, then they jump back to 2004. but other than the movie being a bit too long, it was alright. the while process of getting there was really funny too. jane eunice and i smuggled macs in, and the ice in my coke was rattling so loudly, and there was this whole chunk of trailers before the movie started . and the lights in the cinema just refused to dim. grr. and the grp of crescentians sitting behend us were talking so loudly during the whole movie that eunice kept having to shush them. yay eunice! and i am really sorry for laughing during the scene where Alex was crying because his way of crying was just too funny. i know. sadistic eh.):

tomorrow is arts awareness day and speech day. oh man. the whole thing is going to be so outrageous!!!!
dinner time. blog later!(:

@ 6:51 PM

i haven't blogged for so long i think my blog's growing rust, or mold or whatever. anyway its been a week since we came back from china. i know. it takes me like ages just to work my fingers up to blog. i am that lazy. and we got silver 5 in preliminary rounds. its good of course since we put in alot of effort an all, but i'm sure if our tuning had been better we could have struck gold. haha. well its all over now and i'm going to miss it so darn badly. right now, we'd be playing taihti in charlottes room and pigging out.
love the taihti club!!! and w're also the PCC, which stands for prank call club. (:

anyway, had horrible math test in the afternoon after school and so i couldn't go back with michelle. sucks really. and then the bad part was my whole maths test got abit screwed because i was panicking like anything. my whole graph looked horrendously dispropportionate because i didn't have the time to draw a nice pretty curve. ): and so my gradient might be wrong too. 2 maths tests in a day. it can't get any worse... but actually i can. since i have chemistry tmr, which i dread to the depths of the ocean.
i rather go for like 10 speech day practices in a row. at least we can just enetertain ourselves in the corridor till we're needed. sigh.): oh well.

speech day is this saturday.
i want to have fun okay.

@ 9:09 PM

10 more days to xiamen!!!!
i really can't wait.
but there's still so much to do.
like the stupid a maths test we got on thursday.
rarh rarh.
anyway. was fooling around in amaths today with jocelyn.
super funny.
and chantel's pencil case was alll red.

i don't knwo what i am talking about....

@ 6:05 PM

i am a cuckoo
I am worth $1,822,020 on HumanForSale.com


getcha tagboard codes hereeeeeee, and hereee and hereeee!
maximum width: 185px D:
pop-up tagboards are good too!


Li Wen
Chee Shan
Jie En
Yin Shian
Shu Qiao
Yan Ting
Shu Yi

Yi Ning

designer : kathleen
image : ysr1
brushes : juvenilecasualty
lyrics : McFly - I Wanna Hold You

An army for the broken hearted
Marching through the streets
The city's in surrender
And it's falling at your feet

February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
November 2007